The Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut has recently declared they are to start a new a chapter of the Courage Program for members in their archdiocese. For those of you who are not aware of Courage; it is a program that was developed in 1980, endorsed by the Holy See, that ministers to people with same sexual attractions who are striving to live out the Catholic faith.
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), under ‘Chastity and Homosexuality’ #2357-2359 it states:
- "Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." ( CCC #2357)
- “They (those with same-sex attractions) must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.” (CCC #2358)
- “They (homosexual unions) close the sexual act to the gift of life” (CCC#2357)
- “Homosexual persons are called to chastity.” (CCC #2359)
These are just four excerpts from the Catechism which I want to highlight. The Courage program promotes what is true and just, living a devout chaste life within the Catholic Church. Those with same sexual attractions are dear to God, and are to be loved and respected in the church; having same sex attractions is not a sin, it is the homosexual “act” which is the abomination. Sexual acts between two people of the same sex is not life-giving. A man and a woman, by the grace of God, enter into a sacramental marriage that is life-giving by conceiving children in the giving of self through sexual union. When people block this gift of self love to their spouse by contraception, or by a sexual act between two people of the same sex; it becomes an act, not of love, but out of pleasure or gratification alone; thus it becomes disordered- the Catholic Church promotes that which is life-giving, centered on Christ and not on self seeking pleasures.
When two people marry, they take vows of celibacy to that person and only that person; to be faithful to them until death. A person with homosexual tendencies is encouraged to give themselves to Christ in celibacy by living their life within the framework and love/support of the gift of the Catholic Church which Christ left for us; the courage program is a beautiful light and support group for these individuals. We all have crosses to bear in this life- it is not easy to be faithful whether you are heterosexual or homosexual; to live a celibate lifestyle as an individual, or living celebatly in a spousal relationship.
I do not like the argument that I have heard from those with same-sex attractions, “We deserve love too”. Since when did “love” consist of sex alone? Any person who says or believes this is misinformed on the meaning/truth of love. Priests or religious sisters for example know love, and without the expression of sexual union. They have close relationships with others, but do not express this love through sex.
I also have heard the Courage program called a program that attempts to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals; if any are confused, I suggest looking at their website i have linked below; because this is not the case; again just a misinformed comment.
Fr. Ray Ryland, an Anglican to Catholic convert of the diocese of Steubenville, once stated in a weekday homily, “No well informed Catholic ever left the church”, this is something to ponder further.
Although the Archdiocese of Hartford Connecticut has come under scrutiny and fire by certain groups/individuals for its decision to start a Courage chapter; I question who is angry? Any well formed Catholic would support this decision, and any homosexual person who seeks to follow Christ, knowing that they are loved by Him, would see this as a blessing.
“One thing is necessary, that we serve God well and so make happy our souls. No occupation on earth is more important, namely, that we serve our Lord God.” –Bishop Frederic Baraga
Sources:, (Online Catechism of the Catholic Church)
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