Friday, January 6, 2012

The Year of Faith 2012!

Peace is not just the absence of war. Like a cathedral, peace must be constructed patiently and with unshakable faith." Pope John Paul II

I have just recently come across an article on (Great site!) That speaks of this upcoming church year, the year of Faith.  Many of you may remember previous years, the year for Priests, exct. 

I believe that this is possibly the most fitting for our current times.  Atheism is becoming more widely spread and accepted, and we as Christians, or/and Catholics know that faith is a gift.  It is something to constantly pray for “Oh Lord, increase my faith”, or one of my favorite prayers after receiving Communion, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief”.

As a person walks deeper on their journey, God deepens this gift of faith with our constant petition in prayers, love and dedication to serving Him.  If you are familiar with some of the deeper mystical writers, St. John of the Cross for example, you will become even more greatly aware of how faith is purely gift, God will constantly test our faith, and our love and trust in Him. 

It is not easy to follow Christ in this world.  It is not easy to “pick up our cross” and follow Him.  I won’t get cliché and go into all the reasons why it is so hard at times, the abundant temptations we face, the fear- we as individuals are aware of what holds us back from trusting Him in faith deeper, and becoming more docile in letting go of fear. 

Many will call us unlearned, simply because they deem that any educated person would know that God can’t possibly exist, and they will pose to you certain questions and try to trap you into false philosophical word games. 

I urge all who read this to grow in knowledge of their faith, and I will hammer this in again, read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  And if you are atheist, why are you atheist?- you have to know why you believe what you believe.  I have a friend-of-a-friend who was at one point a strong atheist, and he believes that if an atheist follows the whole path of atheism to the end; they will become a believer in God- after his long journey in seeking truth; in first denying God, he in the end joined the Catholic Church.

Take a course in philosophy, read a classic book on the spiritual life- be a person who knows why you believe what you believe.  You simply cannot deny 2000+ years of history.  The Catholic Church does not have perfect members, in fact on paper it may seem at times the ones truly living their faith are slim, no not let this be discouraging- keep praying, keep following, keep growing in Faith, with all Catholics as we together as a Church take this year and ask/receive all the treasure of faith and wisdom Christ and Our Lady want to give us through the instruction and guidance of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict as He guides us in this upcoming year, Pax Christi, and God bless!

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